Want More Creative? The Customs before bedtime people This Enviable Success

Successful people usually have special habits or rituals they do before going to bed. There are common and can be made to anyone, there are also far too special so hard done by everyone. But all these habits have one main goal, namely to make the body and the brain is relaxed so that sleep can be more beneficial and productivity tomorrow be more optimally. want to know what it is check out the following article

1. Read the book
 Ingin Lebih Kreatif? Kebiasan Sebelum Tidur Orang-orang Sukses Ini Patut Ditiru 2
the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, is a pure book reader. Even according to the recognition of the people closest to you, Bill always read books, whether fiction, politics to biography, one hour before going to bed. Well, the research conducted in 2009 by the University of Essex, calling reading a book at least 6 minutes per day are able to lower the stress level is up to 68 percent! In addition, read a book before bed is also an exercise of the brain so that it can lower the risk of cognitive function decline to 32 per cent.

2. Unplug
 Ingin Lebih Kreatif? Kebiasan Sebelum Tidur Orang-orang Sukses Ini Patut Ditiru 3
Unplug the term began to be used as a form of distancing themselves from all sorts of gadgets and internet access. This is done by Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post site that is also a writer and an actress. Range of research have proven that blue light emerging from electronic gadgets can confuse the body clock or also known as the circadian rhythm. So put away the phone and turn off the television is a good way in order to make your sleep more soundly and qualified, which of course makes waking up tomorrow to be more uplifting.

3. Meditation
 Ingin Lebih Kreatif? Kebiasan Sebelum Tidur Orang-orang Sukses Ini Patut Ditiru 4
Meditation is a way Oprah Winfrey ended the brain and body after a day of activity. With meditation before going to sleep, the risk of experiencing stress and burden of mind body will also be reduced. This is evidenced by studies conducted by 2014. Meditating before bed help lower stress, worry, anxiety, depression to the pain experienced by someone. 5 minute meditation before going to bed to make the mind quiet, which leads to a more restful night's sleep and a good quality of sleep.

This articel from detik health

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