Benefits of pomegranate

Hi this time in christantioedan will discuss the benefits of pomegranate for our health,  let us first know about this fruit: 
          Berkas:Pomegranate03 edit.jpg
Pomegranate or known by another name that punica granatu, this plant can grow up to 5-8 m. 
Estimated originally from Iran, but has long been cultivated in the M
editerranean region. 
This plant is also widely grown in the South China and Southeast Asia. 

There are 3 kinds of pomegranate :

  1. White pomegranate. 
2. Red pomegranate.
3.Pomegranate purple.

after knowing the kinds of pomegranate now we will discuss what are the benefits of the fruit. 
There are many benefits of pomegranate once, but we will not discuss all of the following 7 benefits of pomegranate: 

1. Benefits of Pomegranate Fruit for Protect the Liver and Kidney - pomegranate extract according to the latest research it can prevent and protect the kidney and liver damage from toxins. To protect the liver, pomegranate can make the process of liver regeneration has been damaged. 

2. Pomegranate Benefits for Body Immun System - Content pomegranate rich in vitamin C may increase the immune process. 

3. Pomegranate Benefits for allergy medications - content of polyphenols with very high doses of proving if the other benefits of the pomegranate is a hypo-allergenic because it can reduce the passage of biochemical processes. 

4. Benefits of Pomegranate to Prevent Heart Disease - pomegranate can affect the productivity level of the body for the synthesis of cholesterol and can also eradicate free radicals in the vascular system of the heart. 

5. Benefits of Pomegranate to Prevent Cancer - juice and pomegranate extract could be caused cancer cells to die. In addition, other benefits of the pomegranate can prevent breast cancer. 

6. Pomegranate Benefits to Normalize Blood Pressure - In a research journal mentioned that the extract of pomegranate juice can to stabilize blood pressure induced by high-fat diet. 

7. Pomegranate Benefits to Lose Weight - Pomegranates are rich in benefits also has benefits as a regulator of blood sugar, can to improve insulin sensitivity, inflammation can also overcome, can also increase the metabolic syndrome factor certainly is the originator of the metabolic syndrome causes diabetes and obesity or obesity. Well from the effects of pomegranate that I mentioned earlier can indirectly for a weight loss program. 

(The benefits of pomegranates is quoted from dr oz Indonesia)

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