Various Benefits of Healthy Eating Vegetables: Make Slim Up Younger

High in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, as well as having many health benefits, vegetables into a healthy menu that must be consumed every day.

Well, what are the healthy benefits of the consumption of vegetables that you may not know? Here's the list:

1. Make ageless
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Research shows that green vegetables contain compounds called NMN or nicotinamide mononucleotide. Compounds found in grape fruit also can delay the appearance of signs of aging and refresh the metabolic system.

Experiments on mice showed that these chemical compounds can reduce bone and muscle problems, improve heart function, maintain bone density and slow the decline in visual function. These compounds also maintain insulin sensitivity.

2. Lower the risk of asthma 

Studies conducted by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) stated that since small children rarely eat fruits and vegetables, the risk of having asthma increased 53 percent.

It is believed that a diet rich in nutrients can help the body ward off disease and boost the immune system.

Previous studies have found that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps protect mice against asthma. Now studies show that it also gives effect to humans.

3. make your teeth and mouth healthy 


Not only with regard to the health of organs, sufficient intake of vegetables is healthy for healthy teeth and mouth.

As presented by the Queen drg Mirah Afifah, GCClintDent., MDSC, dental and jaw development is strongly influenced by the type and texture of the food consumed by a person.

"The good select fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables. The fibers can stimulate the salivary glands and gives the effect of self-cleansing. So if you eat fiber food remnants can be faster cleaner," said drg Mirah.

Food texture also affect the process of mastication, thus contributing should have the right to assist the development of the jaw. Choose foods that are somewhat coarse texture. Fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, cauliflower, and celery for example.

This article from Detik Health

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