10 Health Benefits of Eating Durian

 Durian is a tropical fruit that is very popular in the world. The price is quite expensive if you are not in season, but in some areas in Indonesia, you can eat durian traveled much with a very affordable price. In Ambon or in the field, for example, there durian fruit is abundant and the price is quite cheap.

A matter of taste, durian durian Indonesia is not inferior to Bangkok. Eg durian Field which has a thick skin and a sense legit.

If you are a lover of durian, you also must know the health benefits of eating fruit ya on this one. In order to not only enjoy the sweetness of course, but you also know the benefits of foods.

Prevent ConstipationBecause durian contains 37% fiber, then this one fruit could help facilitate digestion. Nutrition in the durian fruit is able to absorb water and make bowel movements easier and smoother. In addition, the fiber in fruit durian can increase the size and mass of stool to prevent constipation.
Prevent AnemiaLack of iron in the blood can cause the body to have anemia. Well, folate is in durian can help increase the production of red blood cells so that it can automatically prevent anemia.
Improve skin healthDurian also contains vitamin C which is an important factor to increase the production of collagen. Collagen itself is a substance whose job it helps to regenerate the skin and make the skin more supple and fresh.
Maintain bone healthPotassium content in durian help heal the bone. Not only calcium is needed to maintain healthy bones, potassium turned out to play a role no less important.
Keeping blood sugarIt was sweet, but durian contains manganese which helps keep blood sugar stable.
Keeping the thyroid gland functionIn addition to iodine, copper also helps maintain the health of the thyroid gland. And the copper content in durian is a source sufficient upper body needs copper.
GlutEating durian is also filling you know. Because it contains vitamin B, durian give the body full longer so you can control appetite and eating.
Helps to get rid of migrainesAnd for this one you definitely helped get excited. Durian can help get rid of the pain of migraine. The reason is because durian contains B vitamins needed to alleviate the pain caused by migraine.
Prevent depression and stressWere stressed and tired? Instead of a headache thinking about where to go, just look for the location of the nearest fruit market that provides durian fruit. Travel pieces this one will help you release stress in the body, thus restoring your good mood.
Helps the formation of bones and teethThe content of phosphorus in the durian is an essential nutrient that plays a role in the formation of bones and teeth. In addition to calcium, bone density was also supported by phosphorus. Durian provide sufficient phosphorus to help meet the daily needs for phosphorus.
The more love deh taste with their 10 benefit durian very healthy. Well, are you ready to travel durian at the weekend with friends or significant others?

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