Stress Up Lonely, Mental Health Problems Can Be Transmitted Suddenly

Stres Hingga Kesepian, Masalah Kesehatan Jiwa yang Bisa Menular Tiba-tiba 1

Runny nose, cough and sore throat until fever is indeed the types of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to others. Transmission can occur through physical contact until the air that cause viruses and germs from patient to infect others. But make no mistake, not just infectious diseases that could be transmitted to other people. Some problems kejiwaaan sepertis stress, anxiety to loneliness can also be transmitted to other people you know! DetikHealth summarized from various sources, following the mental health problems that can be transmitted to others suddenly. 

1. Stress

A study conducted in 2012 called the rise in cortisol that causes stress can affect others. If there are people who are stressed and showed anxious behavior, others could easily have increased cortisol hormone that caused him stress.

Other studies published by Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience mention people who are under stress emit a distinctive odor of sweat. If the smell of other people, this odor can make other people feel anxious and wary.

2. Fear

Fear is a natural response to something that we consider hazards. But the researchers found the smell of sweat, facial expressions to body language of someone who is afraid can influence other people.

This shows our brain responds response signals about danger signs, and this fear will spread also to the people around us.

3. Mindset

Not just a mood or a feeling, thought patterns can also be contagious to those around us. Recent research revealed that new students often adopt the mindset of their roommates.

This is most likely because he did not have a character reference or simply imitating it. If the roommate had a negative mindset, there is the possibility in question will have the same mindset, and vice versa.

This article from Detik Health

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