Know Coconut Crab

Birgus latro, or known as the coconut crab (Coconut Crab) and in Indonesia known as crabs Kenari, the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world.

These quests are kind of a hermit crab is very advanced in terms of evolution. So maybe he is more appropriately called hermit crabs walnuts, however, the population is already calling it the Maluku islands coconut crab. The crabs are known for their ability to peel coconuts with strong claws to eat the contents. He is the only species of the genus Birgus.
He also called in English "terrestrial hermit crab" (sponger landline) for use by the snail shells of young crabs; However, there are also other land crabs who do not abandon keongnya skin as an adult. These animals - especially genus Coenobita are still closely - usually called "terrestrial hermit crab"; because of the close kinship between Coenobita and Birgus hence the term "terrestrial hermit crab" usually refers to a family member Coenobitidae.

Reports about the size of Birgus latro vary, but according to many references weighing up to 4 kg, body length up to 40 cm and about 200 cm leg stretch, and the males are generally larger than females. It is believed to approach the theoretical limit for a terrestrial arthropods. Can reach 30-60 years old.

Like all other decapod, coconut crab's body is divided into front part (head, chest or sefalotoraks), with 10 legs, and abdomen (stomach). A pair of leading legs have large claws for peeling coconuts, and claws (chelae) can lift objects that weigh up to 29 kg. The next two pairs of legs, as in other hermit crabs, is to walk a large and powerful that lets coconut crab climbs trees (often coconut) vertically to the height of 6 m. Pair of legs to four smaller with claw-like tweezers at one end, allowing the young crabs clinging inside snail shells or coconut shells for shelter; adult animals using a pair of legs for walking and climbing. The last pair of legs is very small and only used to clean the breathing organs. These feet are put in the carapace, the port where the breathing organs are located. There are some color differences between animals on the island that one island to another, from light purple, dark purple to brown.

Coconut crab mating repeatedly and quickly on dry land in the period from May to September, especially in July and August. The crabs male and female fighting each other, and then the males turned to the back of the female for mating. The entire mating process takes approximately 15 minutes. Not long after, the females lay eggs and attach it under his belly, bring the eggs that have been fertilized for several months. When it was time the eggs hatch, usually in October or November, the female coconut crab releases the eggs into the ocean at high tide. As in other decapod crustaceans, larvae type zoea. It was reported that all coconut crab do this on the same night and were on the beach at the same time.

Coconut crab food mainly consisted of fruit, including coconut and banyan. However, they will eat almost all of the organic matter, such as leaves, rotten fruit, turtle eggs, dead animals, and the shells of other animals, which is believed to provide calcium. Perhaps they also eat other living animals that are too slow to run, such as newly hatched turtle hatchlings. During labeling experiment, one coconut crab was observed catching and eating mice polinesia. Coconut crab often try to steal food from other crabs and will drag their food into the hiding spots to eat safely.

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