5 Way extremes edge of the cliff

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Mountain climbing might not unusual anymore to be full peripheral if dipiggir cliff path will probably get its own tanntangan and adrenaline. In the world there are countries that have teping very unjust, and to this day it is still a rock cliff road transport even become tourist attractions.
1. Cliffs Of Moher, Galway, Irlandia

There is only a warning sign, low stone barrier, and common sense to prevent you from moving toward a dangerous narrow road along the Cliffs of Moher. Yet every year, people are standing too close to the edges and thrown to fall from a height of 213.3 meters to the sea. If you choose to ignore the warning, beware, because many parts of the road that seems strong but the reality is not stable and licin.Dan we do not advise you to bring a bike to get there - a cycling path which is commonly used today has collapsed, increasingly confirms how dangerous crossing the road outside which has been designed at the Cliffs of Moher.

2. Gunung Tianmen, Zhangjiajie, China

The only thing that makes this a climbing trip is the road clinging to the side of a cliff - but your feet do not actually touch the cliff. Instead, test your nerve to run 1219 meters above sea level with a 2.5-inch-thick glass lines and width of 0.9 meters separating you from death. Do not look down - not only make you scared - but you will miss the amazing views of Hunan Province.

3. Slieve League Cliffs, Donegal, Irlandia

If you want to peak Slieve League Cliffs, you must traverse One Man's Path - so called because the road is only wide enough for one person. If the slip in the narrow lanes then you will fall from a height of nearly 609 meters into the sea below. Obviously not advisable to try this one in the middle of the foggy weather (basically happening every day in Ireland) or a windy day.

4. Chang Kong Cliff Road, Huashan Mountain, China

Special seat belts make the tourists stay safe down a steep cliff with a wooden board made on the cliff on more than 700 years ago. Make sure you are ready to tackle this challenge - you can not go back again if already started, because the road just enough to pass one person at the same time.

5. Preikestolen, Ryfylke, Norwegia

There is no safety lines or limiting in Preikestolen - visitors are free to determine how close they want to stand on the edge. Also known as Pulpit Rock, the cliff is a flat surface measuring 24.9 meters x 24.9 meters which floated almost 609.6 meters above Lysefjord. Although the flat top of the cliff, the path is very steep climb and it could take one to three hours.

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