5 Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice What You Should Know

Aloe vera is a plant that has been known since hundreds of years ago. Aloe vera is known as a plant that has many benefits such as hair growth, wound healing, and for skin care. Besides the plant aloe vera is also used as raw material for pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as food and health drinks.
According to the researchers, the aloe vera plant rich in substances such as enzymes, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polysaccharides, and other components that are beneficial to health.
Well, the following is quoted from palingseru.com there are several benefits of aloe vera juice you should know.

1. Remove poison
Aloe vera juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients that the body needs to get rid of toxins in the body. Toxins can come from bad habits such as smoking, inhaling cigarette smoke, air pollution, and much more that goes into the body, and you do not realize itu.Nah, drink aloe vera juice one who can remove the toxin.

2. Healthy teeth
Aloe vera juice contains anti-bacterial ingredients and natural anti-microbial, so that drinking aloe vera juice is very helpful you to make healthy mouth and gums. In addition crocodile tongue itself is also used as ingredients to cure inflammation of the gums and mouth.

3. Boost immunity
Kidah vera juice rich in anti-oxidants that will help the immune system to fight free radicals in the body which is the source of all diseases.

4. Improving the collagen and elastin in the skin
Aloe vera juice can help heal minor skin irritations, and help rejuvenate the skin cells thereby delaying the effects of aging.

5. Provide a daily supply of vitamins
The human body can not store vitamin that the body needs to get regular supply of vitamins from food. Aloe vera juice contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Therefore, by consuming aloe vera juice on a regular basis, you will get a supply of vitamins for your body.

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