10 Rare Animals in Indonesia

10 Rare Animals in Indonesia

badak jawa

Indonesia adalah negara yang mempunyai banyak sekali kekayaan. Kekayaan itu dapat kita lihat di bidang kelautan, kehutanan, serta alamnya yang indah. Karena itu sangat banyak jenis flora serta fauna yang dipunyai Indonesia. Tetapi, dimasa sekarang banyak flora serta fauna yang keberadaannya telah susah kita dapatkan. Pemicunya diantaranya penebangan hutan yang amat berlebihan, pemakaian flora yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan, penangkapan hewan dalam jumlah banyak untuk diperjualbelikan. Saat ini kami akan berbagi pada 10 Binatang Langka di Indonesia. Apa sajakah hewan-hewan tersebut? Inilah 10 Binatang Langka di Indonesia :

1. Javan Rhino

badak jawa

The Javan rhino or rhinoceros often referred to this population is very rare. We can find only in Ujung Kulon national park located in Banten. The rhino is often hunted for its horn grab used for healing or just simply for business only.

2. Anoa


Anoa came from Sulawesi. From year to year, the population is constantly decreasing, there was no improvement. In fact, in some areas in Sulawesi anoa had no presence. Anoa habitat is in the forests.

3. Sumatran Tiger

gambar harimau sumatra

Sumatran Tiger in contrast to the tigers that exist around the world such as those in India. The Sumatran tiger has a smaller body size because of habitat in the forest, Sumatran tigers is easier to move or to catch prey. Sumatran tiger population is now almost extinct.

4. Java Eagle

gambar elang jawa

Its name suggests, this bird came from Java. This type of bird has characteristics shaped crest on its head. Its existence in nature has been very difficult for us to meet, if you want to see, we can see it in captivity or zoo.

5. Bekantan

Bekantan termasuk jenis monyet yang keberadaannya berada di Pulau Kalimantan. Hewan jenis ini sangat gampang dikenali dengan tanda-tanda yang menonjol yaitu mempunyai hidung yang panjang dan mempunyai rambut tubuh yang berwarna cokelat kemerah-merahan. Bekantan dikategorikan hewan langka sejak tahun 2000.

6. Komodo

gambar komodo

Komodo is a kind of giant lizard native of Indonesia. These animals counted carnivores though often consume animal carcasses rather than hunt animals alive. The average length dragons can reach 2-3 meters and weight of 60 kg. Many say that dragons are prehistoric animals that are still alive.

7. Green Peacock
gambar merak hijau

Green peacock male can reach a body length of 300 cm with a long tail. Also has a topknot on his head upright. The long tail and crest worn by male green peacock green peacock to attract females during the mating season. While the green peacock females have smaller body size and feathers are not colorful.

8. Honey Bear

gambar beruang madu

Bears in the forests of Sumatra. Total population from year to year continues to decline. Although the type bears, bears often eat fruits and honey. The difference with other bear species is a small body shape, and there is a yellow line in the form of the ring between the chest and neck.

9. Jalak Bali

gambar jalak bali

With medium body size and fur gorgeous, no wonder this bird so rare because so sought some hunters to be traded. This bird is native endemic to Indonesia which could only be found in Bali. Predicted number of Jalak Bali this time around 1,000 animals.

10. Orang Utan

gambar orang utan kalimantan

Orang-utan is a type of ape native to Indonesia. Animals which in English is also Orangutans have become rare because due to several factors, among others, the destruction of forests and logging into fields, factories, and housing. Orang-utan can be encountered on the island of Borneo, as well as the orang utan has characteristics that shaped his hair reddish color.

Now, as 10 endangered animals in Indonesia which hopefully makes us aware of the importance of nature preserve, which include protecting the animal population with no chase, no catch to be used as pets or for sale. Let us preserve wildlife Indonesia. Hopefully helpful, thank you.

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