Yoghurt Snacking Before Bed Can Make Slim Why, Want to Try?

Many people think of snacking before bedtime is taboo because it can make weight gain. However, by choosing the right snacks, weight loss can actually go down, you know.

As said by nutrition expert Dr. Michelle Braude, force yourself not to eat and sleep in conditions of a hungry stomach would make the quality of disturbed sleep and appetite continues to expand. It is quite possible you will only wake up in the night and eat more servings. "Going to bed hungry and rumbling can make it difficult to sleep. In addition, there is a possibility you will be awakened with a high appetite and breakfast became redundant," said Braude.

Therefore, he recommends you to keep snacking before bedtime. Condition, select snack less than 300 calories and avoid junk food. Better you choose your intake of snacks like Greek yogurt, fruit, wheat crackers, cereal with skim milk, or toast with peanut butter. "Greek yogurt high in protein, low in sugar and actually make you satisfied.

The content of calcium in it is also believed to help promote sleep and lose weight," he added. Meanwhile, fresh fruits rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and serotonin, which has also been shown to help improve sleep quality. For menu wheat, according to Braude is a light healthy snack because it contains protein and keep you full longer.

 "Bread with peanut butter is also recommended, in addition to containing high protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates, this intake also encourages the release of melatonin, which helps you relax and sleep better," Braude message.

Source : Detik.com

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