8 Secrets of Love Relationship Happier

Have a happy love relationship, fun, and had a girlfriend that concern not only in the novel of love. Everyone can have a happy courtship, lasting and romantic if you use the tips below.
All of these tips are not difficult, as long as you do not hesitate to try it. The following is quoted from vemale.com & terselubung.in.

Leave the Past in the PastThis is most important when you start a new relationship. In order for your vote to the girlfriend who is now more fair and does not continue to compare with the former, then leave your past. You live for today and the future, not the past.
Happiness Starts From YouThere is a wise man who said, do not start a relationship if you do not find happiness within yourself. If you are happy with yourself, your relationship will run better.

Communication and ConfidenceLasting relationships certainly have good communication patterns. Never guess or assume boyfriend know what you think or what you feel. Discuss all things and practice to trust him. A relationship without the accompaniment of trust will end in tears.

No Time Together, No Time AloneNot always you have to be with a girlfriend 24 hours. There are times when you are alone with her, there are times when each enjoying its own time. Always together is nice, but when you're not with him, you'll grow to appreciate the sense of presence.

Never Comparing PairsStop the habit of comparing pairs with another man. Although your intentions motivate him to change this habit will hurt your partner. Eg "Examples dong Andre, he was never wasteful purchase of goods that do not need!" Are not you also do not like being compared.

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