5 Most Deadly Plants in the World

Many plants in the world that can also be deadly to humans. Either because of toxins or their spines, 5 the following plants are plants that are more potent than other plants.

1. Aconitum

Plants with other names such as wolf's bane, women's bane, devils helmet, leopard's bane, until the blue rocket are names that all refer to this one plant. Often used by the Ainu of Japan to hunt with arrows smeared on the end of them, because they contain toxins called alkaloids pseudacontine.

In a relatively large amount, an adult human being can suffer pain that starts from nausea, vomiting, paralysis, until organ failure, in just 2-6 hours. However it is known only 20ml of this poison alone can kill a grown man. Name of the wolf's bane of this deadly plant itself comes from its history because it is often used to kill wolves.

2. Oleander

This plant is one of the most deadly plants that exist in the world but it also is a plant that is often encountered as a garden decoration. The reason is because in addition to beautiful flowers, bushes can also be said to be relatively beautiful.

Although these plants are beautiful to look at, remember to never put any part of this plant to your mouth. Starting from the leaves or fruits, all contain more than one toxin that eventually can affect the heart, digestive, nervous until you instantly. Even just 1 leaf of this plant to be able to kill an adult human.

3. Doll's Eye

From the picture above, you'll be able to know where this plant gets its name. It is easily recognizable because of its very unique with creamy white color with a black dot in the middle of the berry fruit. Although this plant looks beautiful with their broad leaves, the whole plant is very poisonous, especially to humans.

Black dot in the middle of the white berries of this is the point that marks the place with the highest concentrations of toxins. Plus because of its very unique little boy like this is usually interested in plants Doll's Eye and there have been various cases will be poisoning related to it. Symptoms of poisoning will end with a heart attack followed by death.

4. The Suicide Tree

The Suicide Tree (Tree Suicide), Pong-pong, Othalanga, everything is the name for one species of tree that has the scientific name Cerbera Odollam. The form itself is very similar to other deadly flowers on top, ie Oleander because it comes from the same family. Contains toxins known as Cerberin, can cause the heart muscle disorders, respiratory failure, and death. Additionally, make someone eat poisonous seeds is also very easy because it feels can be covered by other food seasoning and not only that, the toxins of this plant is often overlooked when the autopsy. This is why The Suicide Tree often said as a perfect murder.

5. Castor plants

Castor plants are the most toxic. Recognized by Guinness World Records in 2007, Plant Castor (Castor Plant), otherwise known as Plant This distance is the most poisonous plants in the world.

The reason is because the whole of this plant contain a deadly poison known as ricin, especially for seeds from plants Castor. 1 plant seeds is enough to kill a human being in just 2 days, whereas 1 castor plant seeds contained only 1 to 2 milligrams of ricin. Within 2 days, death is not death that accompanied the quiet, but a very painful death. Starting from a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, pain in the abdomen, severe diarrhea, vomiting, until the final cause of death is dehydration.


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