Ice bucket chalenge impact

Ice Bucket Challenge or the challenge of wearing body flushed of water ice which has become a worldwide trend?. Challenges ice bucket challenge aims to raise funds for people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS abbreviated.

This challenge is actually very dangerous. What are the dangers? hazards that occur indirectly, when our bodies washed down with ice water certainly is not healthy. The purpose of the ice bucket challenge is to come to feel the sensation of what it feels like what it felt frozen by ALS patients in the form of paralysis.

Once the pouring is not directly make frozen nerves, but to feel the sensation of frozen should the way the entire body soaked in ice. Effect of soaking ice could sustain a loss of consciousness, organ disorders, etc.. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a disease of the command signal abnormalities of the brain to the muscles are not up. As a result of this ALS is a disease of the patient will be paralyzed muscles even in some parts of the whole. The most dangerous result of this ALS that could happen and attack the respiratory muscle paralysis.
Let's support what was done by ALS by providing a donation you can do in  ALS

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