Games to be released by EA Games in 2015

Exciting news for all of you lovers of games :), Hoooooooooraaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy,  EA  has been preaching games-games that will be released in 2015 to prepare the wallet to buy an Xbox, PS3 or PS4 and PC specifications you to buy the following games :

1. Fifa 2015

    Good news came from one of the world's best soccer games Fifa 15, EA Sports has not preach when it will release this game but this game is definitely going to be released later in 2015, with many changes from the previous Fifa 14, this game will use the latest engine Ignite and will come with the same features in version 4 and XBOX PS One. Ignite itself a new engine that is used to further enhance the real impression in the game FIFA itself, increasingly impatient to see how the game Fifa 15 later ???, to eliminate curiosity following a video review of fifa 15 

2. Battlefield Hardline 
  Released in 2014 was delayed EA and Visceral Games continue speeding completed their latest project Battlefield Hardline, good news for all of us this game will not be postponed again in 2015, this is because EA and Visceral want this game released in the best possible state of features multiplayer which guaranteed there will be no problem


ok here are some ea games that will be released in 2015 so


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