Creating of insert, update, delete using Php

1. First create a database by entering the name of
2. Create a table with the name tbl_belajar id as the primary key

3.  If you've created a folder called appserv learn if you use it as your webserver is in c: appserver /          www if you use xampp in c: xampp / htdocs 

4.  First create a file called koneksi.php in the study folder and type the following code
5. Step 2 to make index.php and enter the following script :
6. Step 3 for insert.php and input the following script :
7. Step 4 for kerja.php here we will create the code to enter data to put it into a database : 
8. Step 5 create a file called update.php is to change the data : 
9. Then make pupdate.php
And the last is to make delete 
10 Create a file delete.php

as this is the appearance of what we have done 
The spirit !!!!!! author deliberately does not provide down link to your own learning


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